Thursday, 10 October 2013

6-10 Drops A Day, Keeps The Doctors Away!

What Is EGA Brine?
 EGA Brine is made from water and pure ancient Himalayan crystal salt which contains 84 trace elements and minerals that are vital for the health of our cells. These minerals are not easily available in our daily diet and EGA Brine is the best way for us to enjoy them.

Wait a minute, “Isn’t salt bad for health?” you may ask. Yes, table salt and other “bad” salts that were made chemically are not good for health.
Himalayan crystal salt is however far superior to traditional iodized salt. Created many millions of years ago in very pure seas, this “white gold” is untouched by toxins and pollutants that pervade other forms of ocean salt. Its minerals exist in a colloidal form and that makes them tiny enough for our cells to absorb them quickly and easily.

Because of its unique structure, Himlayan Salt also has the ability to store vibrational energy. This means EGA Brine can be energized and made even more powerful and effective through the use of Amega’s proprietary AMized Fusion Technology (AFT).

What is AMized Fusion Technology TM?
AMized Fusion Technology is a unique quantum technology that allows all Amega Products to resonate with Zero Point Field Energy. These products then act as a medium to attract even more Zero Point Field Lifeforce Energy into our body to help it self-regulate and self-maintain, thus harmonizing and bringing balance to all aspects of your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.  Administered over a period of time, all Amega AFT Products such as EGA Brine aid cell rejuvenation and enhances our inner vitality. When the body is balanced energetically, wellness naturally improves.

Why Choose Amega’s EGA Brine?
Linus Pauling, one of the greatest biochemist in the 21st century said, “You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” EGA Brine contains the 84 minerals that are necessary for your health such as macro minerals like calcium, chloride, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. Calcium is the most common mineral and plays a vital role in nerve and muscle health. In addition, EGA Brine also contains trace minerals like boron, chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, zinc , etc.

Other than providing our body with minerals, the use of EGA Brine also helps our body to heal itself. The crystalline structure of EGA Brine is so profound that its self-healing vibration pattern lasts over 24 hours in our bodies.

Some benefits of Amega’s EGA Brine include:

  1. Looking and feeling younger. Amega’s AFT products slow down skin ageing, improves skin rejuvenation to promote elasticity, tone and luminosity. The improvement in circulation and energy also helps to burn fats, eliminates toxins and reduce cellulite. The Himalayan Salt in EGA Brine also helps to reduce commons signs of aging such as wrinkles and age spots. The detoxification effect of EGA Brine also helps to clear skin up for those with skin issues such as rashes and pimples.

  2. Regulate diet and the body’s water content for a healthier, slimmer body. EGA Brine can lower one’s cravings for addictive desires so that your diet is regulated to prevent unwanted weight gain. The regular use of EGA Brine will also regulate the water content in our body so as to prevent weight gain due to water retention.
  3. Relief from pains, aches and ailments. Most pains and aches in our body are caused by energy blocks. Amega’s AFT gives EGA Brine the ability to eliminate energetic blocks, clear chakra energy distortions and rejuvenate the bio energy fields in the body system, thus giving us fast relief from pains, aches and related ailments. EGA Brine is also helpful for removing the causes of various forms of rheumatism.
  4. Increased vitality , strength, flexibility and energy levels and enjoying an overall improvement to the body’s well-being and productivity as the energy and blood circulation improves with the use of Amega’s AFT products. EGA Brine also helps to maintain muscle tone and strength and even increases bone strength.
  5. A better, brighter smile with improved dental health. EGA Brine can help to dissolved sediments that are accumulated inside our mouth such as tartar and plague on teeth. Prolonged use of EGA Brine will not only bring you improved dental health but also whiten your teeth if used as a mouthwash. EGA Brine is also very helpful for bleeding gums, periodontal disease, bad breath and canker sore.
  6. Noticeable improvement in health due to improved immunity and better balance within the body.  The use of EGA Brine helps to reduce the PH of our body, thus returning to its optimum state of being slightly alkaline. When our body is in such balance, it will not fall sick easily. Frequent use of EGA Brine will also normalize blood pressure and even regulate blood sugar level. In addition, EGA Brine helps to remove sediments within the body that causes diseases and thus acts as a prevention for diseases like kidney stone formation or gall bladder stone formation.
  7. Detoxification of harmful heavy metals in our body. Heavy metals may enter our body system through the air we breathe, the things we touch or sometimes, even the foods we eat and heavy metal poisoning can lead to detrimental effects on our neurological and physiological functions and lead to things like lethargy, infertility. EGA Brine breaks down these harmful molecules in the lead, mercury, arsenic, amalgam, etc and flushes them out of the body, thus acting as a good defence against heavy metal poisoning.
  8. Improvement of mood and emotional well being and raising sexual libido. EGA Brine preserves serotonin and melatonin, known antidepressant neurotransmitters and helps us to feel and stay happy. It also acts as a great anti stress element for our body.
The list goes on!

EGA Brine also:

  • Promotes cellular hydroelectric energy creation
  • Promotes the increased absorption capacities of food elements within the intestinal tract
  • Aids vascular health
  • Supports healthy respiratory function by clearing mucous plugs and sticky phlegm in the lungs, particularly in asthma and cystic fibrosis and clearing up congestion of sinuses.
  • Reduces muscle cramps
  • Promotes healthy sleep patterns and better quality rest
  • Stabilizes irregular heartbeats
  • Increases conductivity in nerve cells for communication and information processin
  • Provides your body with a strong natural antihistamine
  • Eliminates persistent dry coughs
  • Prevents gout and gout related arthritis
  • Prevents varicose veins and spider veins
  • Helps the kidney to pass excess acidity into the urine
  • Stops excess saliva production
You can enjoy all the above mentioned benefits in a few simple steps.

How to Use The Amega’s  EGA Brine
  1. In the morning, on an empty stomach, put between (6-10 drops) of BRINE solution in a glass of pure water and drink it.
  2. Wait 10 minutes before eating or drinking anything else.
  3. Alternatively, drop EGA Brine directly under the tongue.
  4. You may also use EGA Brine as a mouth wash, for tongue brushing an also for teeth brushing. This will balance the PH in your mouth and work against gum bleeding, periodontal diseases, canker sores and bad breath. If use consistently, your teeth will become whiter again and tartar will dissolve.
  5. For best results, use EGA Brine with water from Amega’s AMwater Actify Water Ionizer.
>>More amazing stories about EGA Brine.

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